email premise of eager young minds

i caught wind of a wasting away human being and answered the phone. it smells in here. someone vomited everywhere and i am the only one i can hear breathe.

and who the fuck is calling this early in the goddamn morning? what time is it anyway?

jesus, it's only two-thirty pm.

i stumbled out after the harsh realization that no one had vomited i merely had a god-case of morning breath. and that always seems to be the way it goes. wake me when i'm dead this ritual thing is getting old.

i've had enough toothpaste, stomach acid, microwave dinners, sun tan lotion, fresh cut grass, economy cars, mexican lawn mowers, door to door salesman and parking violations to burn the sun from the sky. nothing soft or fizzy anymore is coming along. i can only smell decayed branches from termite trees.

maybe it's too late for help.

2002-09-09 | 9:11 p.m.
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