how about a refreshing mike's hard lemonade?

ran into an old college friend today at the room where they give you excuses and reasons to and not to breath. good to see him. crazy fucker. like no one i've ever known. most people can

t stand him can

t bear him he is too smart too intuitive, too loud maybe too easy to push their buttons and he does. i love him for it. so we had a drink or ten and slipped back to a friend of his who, it turns out was the bas player for a band i booked for an instore at virgin and we got drunk with a few girls that looked like supermodels and talked like lawyers. it was beautiful. they asked my name, i told them billy. i named them steve, dave, and pedro. it was fun. back at a friend of a friends and we were talking around things and i got jumped on by a girl for making the durogatory comment that the reason a particular female we were talking about was good in bed (at least part of it) was because she was experienced. apparently to hear steve tell it that is cause for death in most countries (saying such evil things), so then steve and dave left for a bit and came back and we were all drunk. i passed out they passed out we passed out. i kicked my drink over at some point on the hardwood floor and ended up sleeping in a puddle of old e hg. woke up thought i pissed myself. glad to find out i didn't. havent been that drunk in awhile.

well, that sucked. how bout a nice refreshing mike's hard lemonade?

2002-09-19 | 9:36 a.m.
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