letter (unaltered) found on the street in the rain


Hey, I actually had a LOT of fun at our little jam session last nite. Thanks for takin' me - hope I didn't cramp your style HA!
I do need to make one thing clear - I was in a bad mood in the begining because I violated my personal principals. I do not sleep with people i just meet, people I'm not dating, + I don't cheat. I'm not going psycho- I didn't break up with my boyfriend for you - you just gave me a push. Can't stay with a man I've cheated on. ALL RIGHT I feel better.
I was also in a wierd mood simply because I do not belong with some of your crowd. My mind, unfortunately for me, contains more than thoughts about drugs, sex, + alcohol. And I cannot spell today. I do have fun, but it's my own brand. I like having tailgate bonfire parties in the country. Ohhh do I have some stories hehe. A party with 1200+ people - it ruled. My friends do pretty much what we did last nite. We do have our groupie bimbos - but most of us females our keepers. Respect is a big deal.
I do like you + you may interpret that however you wish. I'd like to know the actual you - peel thru your layers of bullshit. I think you might be surprised. There's much you don't know about me - I am VERY deep. I tend to drown myself alot.
Okay - I think I'll stop rambling now. If you want to hang out ya got my number. Call me if ya feel like chillin' with an intelligent woman, or if ya want to meet my friends. I spend lots of time at home alone so :). Anyways, CALL ME or you will SUFFER! You will be doomed to cheap bimbos forever HAHA. If ya don't call I'll know ya can't stand me WOO HOO!



2002-09-20 | 9:03 p.m.
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