letting go is a healing disease

thinking low typing slow as a waterfall are these things slow is that the way these things happen go with us after us before us car ride and we're at niagra finding love in motel rooms two dollars an hour a head between our legs and goo in a condom is that the way we want it like it i am thinking about road trips to record stores in the gateway to the west thinking about hearing real weezer only in dreams and feeling the weight of my foot on the pedal lighten soften i'll get there soon i have to need to it works that way i'm trying to tell you something warn you abotu not lightening your touch or maybe about not listening to old weezer and how we al need a bit now and then can't you tell them you love them everyone i mean the ones you know and talk to talk about behind their backs they aren't so bad they have their upsides upswings even hank aaron could qaurterback if he really needed to we all need to play playmakers for our lives playmakers for time woerthwhile trances spent in waiting thinking cooking up hair brained schemes whatever you need is noble whatever you want is fair and just and right to want i guess i'm trying to say it's stime to let go time to let loose get a little crazy get a little nuts break out the attitude box what'

s wrong wtih that fuck em if they don't like it fuck em if they don't care i care you care we care enough for the lot of them we love them but they're not us and shouldn't be couldn't be we wouldn't try to be them why would they let go i say let go before it gets too late too see in the streets.

2002-09-18 | 8:59 p.m.
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