10 thoughts had by everyone

so and the phone rang, it was lingering sounds and i was drinking in thoughts of you, placing value on short lived moments without glares or worries that amount to times gold hours and so: i heard her eyes are made of perfect time and everything everything the earth cries when she steps on it mean something. i'm so glad and this, here, fucking dolls of the last known truth, and you're trying just a bit too hard
to be right

so here, like a soundstage in london, i thinnk it's where they filmed the kubric film "eyes wide shut" where allt he good colrs were shot so perfectly in rooms made of light and i'll be there, in rooms light enough to lift to my shoulders and bring to you. you are the last known source for things lost longsince inthe sandstorm of day-to-day.

2003-09-01 | 8:14 p.m.
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