six of these can be used in a negative sense applying perfectly to you

char�ac�ter �� (�P�)��Pronunciation Key��(krk-tr)


1. The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another. See Synonyms at disposition.

2. A distinguishing feature or attribute, as of an individual, group, or category. See Synonyms at quality.

3. Genetics. A structure, function, or attribute determined by a gene or group of genes.

4. Moral or ethical strength.

5. A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities.

6. A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a recommendation.

7. Public estimation of someone; reputation: personal attacks that damaged her character.

8. Status or role; capacity: in his character as the father.


a. A notable or well-known person; a personage.

b. A person, especially one who is peculiar or eccentric: a shady character; catcalls from some character in the back row.

2004-06-24 | 3:49 p.m.
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