can't help but wait

late now the only things that come to mind is a need or willingness a small darknesss that smells the way drunk women do and now spinning eyes back into my head i tilt around and spy and see and get a load of the fact that somehow what we say is who we are what we say is who we are and we know it we end up burning candles sideways trying to get to the middle first trying to understand why we sleep without dreams and why we smile so feverishly at no one at all but thereabouts right there when it happens i find a little wonder left in me a little time to think about people i seem to have forgotten all about people i barely remember at all and how nice it would be to hear all of their voices at once calling out in mad voices raging at the sky lungs stretched out just a little more and we can fit the sun inside of ourselves nonsense

when at first these things happen and by these i mean the failing of memory to retain all things hold it all in and save it for a rainy summer day when nothing matter like hearing someone else tell you about their day. these are lives worth living.

2004-06-26 | 7:03 p.m.
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