the island of beating hearts

some mornings, and you blow my mind. i can't imagine a world where i don't wake up next to you, it estranges me to not hear your voice for more than a couple of hours. i'm haunted by sounds. the sound of your voice. the sound i imagine your keyboard makes when you type in entires into wordpad and then cut and paste. the sound of your car turning off when you get where you going, and the sound of your feet (80 dollar shoes maybe?) on cement when you climb from you car. the tone of voice you talk to your dog in (this is the true tell of a person). sounds. from everywhere. the sound of you breathing keeps pace, at odd intervals with the beating of my heart. and i am sorrounded by it on all sides. the sounds of your world make a ocean that i am only a tiny island in.

2003-09-03 | 1:58 p.m.
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