morning hell

last night was hell. i drank way too much beer and realized (while curled over the great white throne to vomit) that the only thing i ate all day was some peanuts. they were good peanuts, but hey, peanuts alone do not make up for a case of beer. i couldn't sleep and what little nodding off i was getting (between barf-trips) were dreams reminding me of a batch of liver failure i went through a couple years ago. trust me when i say that this is not the sort of thing you want to be thinking about after a night of too much drinking.

i decided somewhere in the 3 am range that the best thing to do would be to take a long hot shower. i did, but halfway through i sat down out of exahusting letting the water fall down my neck and over my shoudlers. i woke to cold water an hour or two later and jumped out to dry off and hopefully warm my body up enough to reduce the painful shrivelling it had undergone. i wrapped myself in my bedspread and tried to pass back out.

finally, it worked. i fell fast asleep just in time to be woken an hour later by my alarm clock telling me to roll out of bed and get to work. i threw up again, brushed my teeth, showered, and went to work, unshaven, gross.

the drive was miserable because a car is the one place you don't want to get the sudden urge to vomit. especially in highway traffic. it's not like you can just pull right over and vomiting out the window is hardly viable if you're hoping to not swerve out of your lane and wreck while doing it. so the drive was mostly a series of swallowings: swallowing the urge to vomit, swallowing the esophogeal reflux, swallowing my physicaly ache and feeling just plain worn out.

when i got to work i snagged a couple rolaids from the staff lounge area and poured a cup of coffee (hoping the warm fluids would calm my stomach acids). right afterwards, i went outside for a smoke. heavy fuel. coffee and cigarettes. i read this martin amis book once ("money") where the main character relies on this combination to cure his every ail, especially hangovers. (a hilarous and well written novel by the way). anyway, turns out amis was right and i started feeling a little better. the day still hasn't translated into any real prodcutivity, but i am here, surviving, just in case the armegedon of my job starts going crazy.

luckily, the workday for me, is almost over. wish me luck.

2004-06-19 | 12:52 p.m.
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