nearer northern mornings

nearer northern mornings gets me overeasy (yes, like eggs, but eyes) and worn out worn through not half as tired as i used to be as i once was as i could be. so i'll touch on a few things that come along a few things that happen to each of us or at least to me a few things that matter one day the words like bastards, orphans, madness will crawl across the open armed distances of my mind and onto pages made of silk and suggestion made of lust and lichen, made of promises unkept (but well meaning).

for now it's words falling free like breasts so carefully balanced in bras or a splitting free like atoms in motion, adjustments are made to keep us here, but we keep going keep going on about nothing that matters.

and the words i promised the things said that came out halfway heard or half-cocked (no pun intended) and made their way to the ether out there the ether of there- i keep regular records of my losses, and count my wins only be how many times i felt good about standing alone beneath oak trees. i am a careful arrangement of temperments these days, a soiled down shut down locked down locked out referrance to once-was-strong or used-to-be just right is happening everyday and it's so easy to see it (even easier with closed eyes) a sway in things, a sunbeam that covers us like winter blankets worn around shoulders on porches during cigarette pauses from sex sessions: this life will last forever.

like looking around slowly, there is so much closeness in the sky and and arms outstretched speeding tickets recieved (rightfully) and how fine it is to be alive these days to be there for it when it happens and all of us are lucky sometimes (even counting heartache and hateful gestures and poor lovers and jobs that fade and die)

but, as before, we see things so slightly and only as we are.

2004-07-02 | 10:17 p.m.
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