
the mornings are easier than you�d think.
what with nodding out halfway after
halfway in and you just try your best to care
sometimes it�s all you�ve got.

Soon enough afterwards
you feel a little good, a little bad
and maybe you should, you�ve turned into
a magazine story, a letter to the editor.
you should be sorry as hell for everything
and maybe mostly so should I
and maybe (just maybe) that's why
we�re here.
Everything here is the undoing of the insides
the last breath before you try to be better off
and maybe soon we will maybe soon
we should and that�s enough to know
for you for me for now
let�s get easier (why not?)
and drop these lazy days from the rooftop
because everything, good and bad, drops off eventually.

2004-12-23 | 3:03 p.m.
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