where most songs come from

anyhow, it gets good sometimes: you�re standing in the rain trying to make a call from a payphone to a girl who stopped loving you ages ago but it�s one of those nights when you just need to hear a voice, any voice, you need to talk to someone, one other human being. There�s nothing you want to talk about you just want to talk and sometimes that happens and she�s the only one you can think of. But she doesn�t answer, which isn�t so different from how it was when your relationship was winding down, but now should be different, shouldn�t it? I mean, she couldn�t possibly know it�s you, could she? But you know that whether she does or doesn�t she isn�t answering and the most likely answer is that she is somewhere talking to someone (whether live or by phone) and can�t be bothered with whoever it is but you just need just need one voice just now just one human voice to let you know that the world is not disappearing.

2004-10-22 | 12:21 p.m.
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