ode to the city, part two (if)

so city, i knew this girl, she had a thing for billie holiday, she had eyes like the night sparkling fortune tellers for facial features, she always smelled like wild-hysterical orchid blossoms, and drank cheap bourbon from rain-water coffee cups at early morning hours and everything, oh, goddamn city, i feel better now just knowing, old building rooftops, city, you still have a few more things to teach me about women, but she was damn fine to be around. city, tell it true, guys talk to guys, but it's better than when women talk to women, city they've got crazy madgab diseases with tangerine spellcaster thoughts that sink you down, lock you lost and loathing and, hell city, what am i supposed to do about falling in love again?

2003-06-03 | 11:53 p.m.
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