barbara says i say barbara says i say

thought i might have a thing or two to say about such things when it came down to it and maybe i still will. the shit has yet to hit the fan. so spent the evening chatting randomly with barbarra (moonrattles) about various nonsenses biblical quality diaries and so on and so forth and all the rest. we spayed our favorite entries around here labeled-girl's griggs street bits, mnemonia's love letter to a park bench, thejanechord's ophelia entry, perceptions's having been born, more, others and so on from there. it was interesting. then we got drunk and talked about jeanette winterson before she had to go home and tell jake that she was with janna as i am not allowed to be friends so close as to talk to her. such is the nature ofthing how they go how it goes and who knows maybe the things will come together. maybe.

2002-09-17 | 4:02 a.m.
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