life, as a collection of nows

sail on sail on i keep drifting weightless downt he shimmering river with no idea where it falls fell into me around me wrapped me in it's careful arms and slept tender dreams filling my earlobes drums and bouncing shifting in and around what i call home the city the basking draining drastic city lifeless lack of life full of vision deceit wakeful instants and the power to make dreams come true. crawfish lives pasked into tin wagons druising 65 miles an hour road downhill uphill traffic makes us late this is the way of it. packed in sardines are kippers with salt it seems and we are all of the above, but here not in rural tree covered shade lives can we be at the most extremem of ways the city is deserving of love and hate sex and truths whispered that sound like lies. it all folds us up and reminds us where and who we are. we have not yet learned to ask the question of solitary questions: why are we? and even were we to the only answered are dradel'd drivel would provide is a round and round spin cycle towards nothing up when checked fromt he left down when checked from the right history repeats itself avoids itself recreates itself and we are the only ones to blame/credit. it is our undying obsessions with both the future and the past the causes history to repeat itself. give off give way the city now here at this daylight/midnight hour gives me the power to let go the chance the gift of letting go. what was before had it's time, what will be will have it's soon enough, but i can never have now back. life is a collection of nows. now is all we have. and only we can stop taking the leap backwards and forwards to where we think it might be better. who will save us if we do not? save yourself.

2002-10-03 | 6:21 p.m.
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