like ants awaiting the apocalypse

you were so easy sometimes
with your snappy-eyed anger
and explosion fingertips that
made war out of anything
at all

but then afterwards you'd be
long smiles drawn across
your face and i'd wonder
which you was you or maybe
which me was me watching
you change and shudder

life was then like ants
awaiting the apocalypse and

soon enough i met
your every you and settled
into knowing which ones
were my favorites and thinking
maybe you'd be more
of some than others
but always guessing wrong
which you'd be more of
or why

it's easiest now to know
i never knew you or your
butterfly ways i just watched
the waves come in and out
awhile and thought it was you.

doesn't everyone?

2008-01-16 | 12:31 p.m.
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