the chair in the corner of the room

shower down the heat, i can carry you home with aching arms and smile at you from the corner of the room sitting in a chair while you sleep. and i'll never, never lay a hand on you that isn't welcome, only (when eyes asking please) run my fingers down your thigh with careful aim and accuracy slip your kneecaps into my palm and pull your legs onto my shoulders, and sooner or later, sooner or later, it'll make you smile, sooner or later, you'll be chris-isaac-croning and it'll be all little exhales and sighs from me, and every tear i never meant to let go will slide down my cheeks, and always welcome, welcome always i'll take every ache and pain away and place them on my careful shoulders, i can sheild you from the blizzard-wind and keep you careful from the sadnesses of life. and you'll survive. you'll survive.

2003-06-01 | 2:31 p.m.
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