how clear jello tastes

and then no luck sometimes and this how things'll change and i'll be coasting low road to nowhere thinking about you words in strange patterns and people wiht the intelligence of rocks and how they try how they dont try at all but think they do.

so the way and world is faulty and this all is waiting and coming through and you're adding up to nothing you're almost gone now.

and how's it seem? talking nonsenzse chat in little ways and words like covet prince with no arms and you can tear this world away and i can float through you through you and somehow,

one time like a ghost dam breaking free water from communism and trite old love affairs that smell of ache and tiredness. we're all so worn around the edges.

and then it's like leftover lifespan thereapy with lasting dreams of nothing at all ---kind as strangers---and waiting on you, waiting on you to arrive and this:

cold bleading heart time loss with no last tragedy for the playwrites to end their tales of woe with

ther'll be no more tales of woe for you

no more tales of woe for you

no more...

2003-09-22 | 5:13 p.m.
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