idol now needs

i want this nightfall just for me, to be and quietness (alone is mine). thinking back about the turns and flips of days and nights i get so little so much so of what i need and my survival sometimes hangs on the hinges of the door to loneliness.

i want less noise less sound less words less less less keep the talking down i need quiet and solemn, i want it like worshipers of beckham.

so one day, wordless maybe i can't keep track but maybe i can settle these rattles down and you'll see you'll know what i mean- for so long from you it was one lie after another or no lies and nothing (a dead air world) but now, without you i want the quiet from inside me back.

i've lost a thing that cannot be touched and i want it need it have to have it back before...

2004-06-23 | 8:03 p.m.
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