life without birds or bees

let's get serial, chemicals tell us how and who: what goes where is usually taught but let's face it (it could be figured out without too much difficulty) and i kind of like that idea...i kind of like the idea of two people (whatever age) who have no idea about sex and are just rubbing together beacuse it feels good and then sudden as mud-swarms one turns to the other and says "hey, that part there feels good on me, and you like that other part on you, so what if i put this in there, i bet it would feel good to both of us at the same time."

it seems more honest. real. worthwhile.

when my cousin was young he believed that he invented jerking off. i don't know why that tid-bit has stuck with me all these years, but it has and it occurs to me how nice it would be if, at some point, each of us got to believe that we had invented sex, indeed came up with something new and damn, doesn't it feel nice.

i'm just saying.

2004-06-04 | 1:45 p.m.
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