measurements aren't always so important

as a young boy, whenever i said something like "i wish i had a nice bicycle" or "i wish timmy was my friend" in the presence of my grandfather, he would always interupt me to say: "you can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first."

i think he meant that to say that wishing doesn't get you anywhere because it doesn't produce measureable results. that always sounded unreasonable to me. because, let's be honest, you can think of solutions to world problems in one hand and collect human cadavers in the other and see which one fills up first. and to me, thinking up solutions to world problems is a pretty damn decent thing to do, especially compared to collecting human cadavers. and to be totally honest, i'm glad there are people out there thinking up the solutions to world problems. even if 99% of the time, the results end up unmeasurable.

2004-06-26 | 1:59 p.m.
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