and it came to pass that sleater-kinney made the trip home with me and guided me in my endevours for a breath or two. thanks for that.

i found myself watching a movie a waste of film a waste of life oxygen that could be breathed at better times but had fun anyway. pizza for lunch at the $3.99 buffet by the mini-mart where the mexicans by fourties and get hammered listening to latino. which is especially odd in the neighborhood i live in. there are too many lexuses and men who don't beat their wives for the sole reason that they don't notice they are there.

but the food was alright. felt better after i smoked a top or two. enjoyed the day. listened to sleater kiney before the film and spent some time dangling my glassy look in front of the blue screen staring into the minds of a thousand pages at once a thousand stories a thousand reasons to go to stay to think or love or hate or forgive. that is the one i am working on now. forgive. it feels pretty good so far. wish me luck.

2002-09-15 | 8:46 p.m.
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