what it means to be this

there's a motion to the breeze, motion to the way of things way things fall apart put themselves back together back in trouble for the way you were way you thought you'd be. can you still remember who you thought you might become? can anyone remember the things they thought were dear when they were young and in love with baseball players and prom queens. the easiest thing is to be adored. did any of us get what we want?

it's nice to have pages and topics and things to think about write about better this than that or any other thing but a silent scope view ofthe world. i could be a southern baptist and think the only things are fire and brimstone wasted and falling apart thank god i get to escape and all that, but really: what's so wrong with all of this? we have trees. and birds, and beautiful people to look at. people spend their time painting pictures taking pictures scribbling tales into notebooks that we can buy ten bucks a pop at a local barnes and noble. what more can a restless soul ask?

2002-09-15 | 11:06 a.m.
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