the boat rocker

i can here pogo vomit in the background karate seeps into my soul and i am reading henry miller. it's all so fantastic. i start thinking about this car i saw on the road with three bumper stickers. the first reading "september 11- a day of terror that wil never be forgotten." which, is certainly comforting. i love the idea that we're going to thrive and ponder and reponder our misfortunes eternally...because that makes just too much sense. besides isn't it customary to celebrate the positive? isn't martin luther king day on his birthday not april 4 when he was shot? presidents day, the same? you see the pattern here? why celebrate our excuses to get angry and violent. like we're not pathetic enough already.

the second bumpoer sticker read: "it's called thinking, you should try it some time." so now the car is a moving oxymoron. obviously the driver of a vehicle this sadly adorned has the IQ equivalent to a sack of rocks. and not even the good rocks, the sedimentary ones. the ones made of all the crap that couldn't hack it elsewhere.

the third sticker read: "freedom isn't free."

ahem, then what is? and let's look at that as well. what is our "freedom" freedom from exactly. not communism, we celbrated our free-ness long before comunism was the "enemy". so, obviously, that is not why we are a "free" country as is spoken rattled from the lips of every twelve year old told to shut up. so, what then are we free from? well, i'll tell you. england. the term 'free country" stems from our desire to rule ourselves as opposed to england ruling us. which is all fine and dandy, except that what this leads us to is the unfortunate fact that the thing we're taught to make us patriotic is that we're free from a country we have no problems with. a country that has helped us out on several occasions since our disagreements 250 fucking years ago.

now we're left with a country that's free from nothing so bad, an oxymoron of a car, and a country that is teaching us to celebrate our presidents desire to be re-elected. i'm so confused as to why a free country is so great.

not that i don't like america, just that i don't really see what all the fuss is about. our attributes are lies, our honest is for shit, and we kill ourselves for rolexes in every city in the country. not that any of this is exclusive to us. certainly we have it better than the now so famous "third world countries", but that is hardly a good comparison is it? i mean, you can't say that roger clemmons is a better pitcher than pudge rodriguesz is a catcher. the apples to oranges theory we're so hot on is gibberish. and aside from that, obviously not a product of the thinking our fair idiot motorist so desires us to do.

so: to all you motorists out there, don't put a sticker up you don;t understand. if you have a band up, you better fucking love them, i'm sick of seeing these stickers of bands that it's "cool" to have stickers up of or be seen as liking. your' worse than any external threat we could ever have, bin laden or no bin laden. you rip apart the fabric of everything you claim your protecting. the point of america is we wanted to think for ourselves and make our own decisions, the minute you lay yourself legs spread for every goddamn marketing scheme out there, you insult the country you claim to love.

love what you love, don't pretend to love because you want to be seen as swho loves. i shouldn't have to tell you this.

and goddamnit, stop celebrating tragedy! you're doing no one any good.

and quit buying into this stupid if you've ever done a drug you wanted spet. 11th to happen. i've never seen such a stupid concept in all my life.

and that's not counting the fact that the whitehouse sent a memo to the ad agency responsible for these commercials asking them to find a way to connect sept. 11 with drugs.

you see, dear americans, our president has to start producing some numbers if he wants to get reelcted. his repeated attempts to get us into a war with someone anyone are only reminsenct of his dad. ahem, gulf war (who put saddma in power?), ahem, panama (who put noriega in power) ahem, vietnam (who put hoochimen in power). stop being so idiotic all of you. it;s getting old. we can only play the retard role for so long before it's time to get our shit together.

and if bush doens't get some drugs down, a war on with someone, and arrest a few poepl with different colored skins, he won't be re-elected.

good morning southern califronia, we'd like to put all the japanese in concentration camps again. does this old song and dance sound familiar to anyone?

i've seen his father put forth this dog and pony show a few times too many and i don't necessarily see any benefit in re-enacting it. what i want is america the way it was meant to be. we are allowed to think what we chose (that free thing again), not told what to think by marketing campaigns designed for reelection of blood thirsty mongrels with no desire so great as to be able to actually drop the bomb on some anyone. but then, to compare him to mongrels is not really fair to a fairly peacful asian people. i recant the previos comment.

also, of due note, the airborne shipped out midnight the night before september 11th on a "secret" mission (which is a situation reserved for war time), but yet the tragedy happened anyway? does this seem odd to anyone else?

but, then, commercials would tell me this is unamerican thinking. it is only american to blindly follow fools into our own death, their own self glorification.

let's face it, we're not in clinton's (oh, is this a bad word?) america anymore where we are all prosperous and making gobs of money and the country is at peace. now, we're trying desperatly to go to war with someon, anyone, and dammnit we can't find a bad guy fast enough. meanwhile, the unemployment rate is at an all time high.

and let's talk about school shootings fro a moment. 42 people were injured or killed in school shootings the year of columbine. 762 children we're beat to death by their parents that same year in the state of texas alone. are we missing where our focus should be or is it just me? i mean, if we're going to wax political, let's get right to it.

and these political hags that keep saying let's pay teachers more let's pay teachers more...let's get real. you don't let them do their jobs then say you want to pay them more to not do their jobs. not that it's their fault. you stop them, i mean, jesus christ catcher in the rye is not allowed to be taught in schools because it hass cuss words in sad are we? you can search the amercian lit. books all day and you wont find a single specimen on henry miller (probably in the top ten writers who has ever lived), but he mentions sex and that's bbbbbbaaaaadddd. no mention of allen ginsberg either ( of course, he is gay, if our children read the books that really matter by americans that have something to say, they might turn...god forbid...GAY. the man rerouted america twice. once with beatniks, again with hippies. that is two major changes in american society that the man helped spearhead. let's get honest about what we're doing here. there are four kinds of books: well written books, poorly written books, books that change literature, and books that change lives. ginsberg changed lives, but of course it's only american literature what good is an american writer who changed the way milions of american saw the world.

but, back to teachers. the only learning a person ever does is how to think. the rest is memorization. don't get me wrong, if i'm going in to surgery i want to make damned sure my doctor has the parts of the brain memorized, but what we're not taking into account here is that concepts are just that. if we teach children to think, they can take a concept involving photosynthesis and learn to better our lives and world. isn't that what we're all after? isn't that what the "greatness of america" ( i won't mention that this is what was said of rome) is all about? can't we get honest for a few goddamn minutes before we send this steaming ship into the desert in a fiery ball destroying all we have to hope for?

i beleive that teachers have one of the most important jobs on the planet but until they stop kissing the master's ass and grow the guts of thomas jefferson (again, what america is all about) and begin to do their fucking job no matter what the fucking retard parent run school board says, we've got no hope. it's a little too reminiscent of all those assholes back in 1776 that kept saying "now now better not rock the boat, i might lose my job". it took a few handfuls of men who said fuck the boat let's build an ocean liner of our own, come what may. i thinks it's time we did a little boat rocking of our own, don't you? there are over fifty schools that have banned harry potter int he midwest alone. harry fucking potter. parents think it encourages satanism. is this silly to anyone else? it's harry goddamn potter, an adventrue book. why is king arthur okay but harry potter not? in an age where we're trading books for porn films and internet research, shouldn't we take any chance we have to get kids reading. have a little faith in their ability to discenr and you might just be surprised.

you ever see that movie "lean on me"? there is a scene in which he goes into the cafeteria and it's all blocked off by gates. he screams for them to tear them down saying "if you treat them like animals, that is exactly how their going to behave." maybe there is something to be said for movies after all.

and stop telling your kids not to watch television. televsion are fast forward books. not better, but different. but there is alot children can learn about interacting wtih other people by watcvhing it happen. even if it's fictionalized, what harm will it do our children to believe in things so archaic and trite as heroism and honor?

and i'm sorry, what's wrong with nudity on tv? i'm pretty sure our children ahve all been in some way involved with nudity and yes, evemn sex at some point. most children too young to see those things aren't interested anyway. that is unless you make an issue of it, then they have too see (the banned books theory: the only thing good about it is that it gets kids rto read them). and once your old enough to be interested what's wrong with admiring hte female form? the male form? even if your under the dillusion of modern christianity, man was the last of god's creations and until he made man it wasn't good. wonce man was made it was good. we were made naked so if naked is good enough for god why is it not good enough for us.

do you really think you're going to encourage children to have sex? you were that age once, and depending on your age porn was hard to come by there was no nudity on tv but did you want sex any less? i didn't think so. again, honesty hour here, hope your buckled up.

and lets'; wake up to the fact that abstinence isn't working. let's stop living in the dream world that our children don't have the guts to do what we didsn't have the guts to do. we may not have had the guts to have sex at thriteen but our kids do. guts go along with intelligence and the ability to think, so stop bitching, we've also been to the moon. we can coomunicate with someone across the wrold at the touch of a butrton largely due to a generation that had sex when it wanted to not when you said to. and let's not discuss the fact that the virgin mary was either fourteen or sixteen (depending on who you listen to) when she married joseph. throughout history people have been married and working jobs by age seventeen, twenty. granted, some of these people were lucky to live to the age of thirty but that lifespan has no real bearing on age of growth and maturity. you don't grow faster because you won't live as long. and who gives a shit if evolution is taught in schools's a theory, not a one claims it to be otherwise. if it doesn't match your beliefs then dammit spend some time talking to your kids, not about not smoking, not about not doing drugs, about whatever they need to talk about. that's what listening is, it's listening to what someone else has to say, not preaching. and stop expecting teachers to raise your children for you. i shouldn't have to fucking remind you of these things. please excercise a little common fucking sense.

and tell your kids about safe sex, jesus, abstinence is a joke. teach them how not to get diseases and get pregnant, don't fire and brimstone them with tired rhetoric that isn't doing any good. try begin a friend to your kids and maybe marylin manson won't have to. you see where all this is going? get active. get off your ass and save the america your so eager to put a flag up for and put a sticker on your car about. don't be one of those assholes that tells everyone how patriotic they are, but sits the fuck down whenever it comes time to take a little fucking action. if paul revere had put a sticker on a horses ass saying that america was a cool idea but not done anything we'd still not be "free".

and raod you really think you've never accidentally cut someone off? then stop getting pissed at people who do, and if you ARE one on those naive individuals who thinks their perfect you're far worse off than we are. and let the next guy in...remember that golden rule thing? yeah, it works. let the next guy in and see if someone deson't let you in when you need in and traffic is backed up to BFE.

and let's get real about drugs too...why are we dumping four billion dollars into a drug program that accomplishes nothing? let's legalize, thenm we can control it. we're not going to stop it, i promise. drugs are here to stay. like prostitution. if it were legal we could organize std testing and stop these goddamn diseases from wiping us out, and that takes a slightly higher priority in my book than moral self righteousness. but maybe that's just me.

i don't know about you, but i'm tired of seeing the obit section filled wiht STD death stories, people dead over a natural urge that we're born with.

and guys...i understand the complicastion, but if you think you might get laid, bring a isn't all up to the woman. i know it's a lot like wearing a raincoat in the shower but it's better than rosy palm. and women, if you notice a guy has a condom, he's just being careful, don't flip out, he doesn't think you're a slut. he's just doing his part. better safe than sorry. again, all it takes is a little fucking action people. i hardly think the act of putting a condom in your pocket is difficult, but having herpes is. and having a baby is. it's worth it in the long run, trust me.

and women, if your sexually active, get on the fucking pill. that's why we have it. unless you want a baby, be on it. you've got a better shot of keeping a bun out of the oven with it. and isn't that the goal? all the pleasure without the reprecusions? take adavantage of our instant gratification society. and try to keep a few condoms about, believe it or not, some guys actually DON'T plan on getting laid. especially if you're a don't want a baby. ask anyone your age who does.

and you assholes who think anyone under the age of twenty is need to start warming up to the idea that their smarter than you. very generation is faster smarter straonger taller than the last. we keep getting better and better. try ot appreciate the fact the they have something offer, even if your to blind to see the benefit of it.

and you young people who hate adults soley because they're adults, i know you're just ebing a teenager, but stop it, it's stupid. we pay your allowance, your school taxes, put gas in your tank. believe it or not, adults have done a few things worthwhile. like, for instance, creating you. get used to it. their here to stay. and you wouldn't be if they weren't so get over your angsty self righteousness. i shouldn't have to get angry about this. it's not my job to police you. start taking care of yourselves and maybe you won't need a watchman and maybe they won't need to be watched. understand?

2002-11-14 | 10:47 p.m.
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