i'm going to break your heart

in life we're always waiting for a chance to dump our entire life for "love". i'm tired of dumping my life, of dumping my friends. i'm tired of ebing a part of the life that's dumped. i'm tired of this false idea of love we have - that is consists of devotingyour entire life to one person, of saving your smiles for them, of saving your life for them, of saiving you laughs for them, of having to talk about just one person all the time. i'm tired of being talked about. i'm tired of talking about.

how can that be love? love by nature is unconditional, we can't pick or choose in what directions is goes. hence, the unconditional. to pick and choose would be putting conditions on it. unconditional means in all directions as well as in all ways, you can't unconditionally love one person, then it's conditional on who the person is. unconditional means all people. it means all the time. until that is reached, it is only self absorbtion.

to love on person more than any other is to place the conditions that it must be this certain person for you to love, otherwise you do not. that these certain things must be said and one, otherwise there is no "love".

and then your left with an addictionn to a feeling. addiction to the way a person makes you feel. and that, no matter how much we want it, can never be love.

it can only be selfish desire for emotional gain. desire for us to feel less alone, less irrelevant. but then again, isn't that what we're talking about? isn't the great thing about it that you're not alone, that you are someone's first priority and that they are yours? then the world will approve of us, right? if only we can become half instead of whole.

how can any of this benefit us in any way that is not illusionary?

give me real love and i'll give you a world without the need for hate.

2002-12-01 | 7:57 p.m.
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