pidemos que todos tengan extra precaucion

i watched you like split-hair madman but slowly and only as i was walking by walking into the place and you were sitting outside. i saw you once before, sitting there, cross-legged (like now) and reading the dhamapada quietly lulling things in your mind rolling around like fishbowl water the ideas that came to you came through you like slow rain or anyone that can tell they're going mad and lets it happen

you were beautiful then to watch and you're beautiful now to see, once again waiting on zen waiting on anything at all to come to you the way the truth does only when you're very still and longsince have given up on longsince have lost that need to be another thing like copperheads wiggling their tails in dead leaves to make nearby folk think they're a rattler.

we should be careful to be whatever we end up being.

2004-07-03 | 1:39 p.m.
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