slow song for j.b.

a lot of the time, buckley is easier
like when rain keeps coming down
and the voice of someone else
keeps chasing you down.

a lot of the time, buckley is easier
than the harsh light memories
i've got burned into my bones
it's simpler than watching leaves fall
or watching someone rake them up
the way we slowly rake up our lives
year after year broken dream after
broken moonbeam the sun strapping
us across the back, bending us
in and out of the slow silence of smiles.

a lot of the time, buckley is easier
than waiting around for phone calls
or brushing you teeth
for the third time in an hour

we are mostly only moments spent waiting

a lot of the time, buckley is easier
than the slow orange mornings
peaking between my dreams, eyelids
stretched into the sun
a squint that peels back over the day

it's only a matter of time

a lot of the time, buckley is easier
than laughing at one more dumb joke
or smiling at one more person you
don't want to see right then
(which is most of them)

a lot of the time, buckley is easier
than thinking about all the other places
you'de rather be where you'de be
better off wrapping your arms around someone
and walking down the cold foggy streets
of san francisco

or laying in the florida sun

or letting cancer eat away at you

or taking one more long hot shower

or laughing when it isn't funny talking when you feel quiet or reading when you want to speak

so often, i am the orange day stretching out
and all i know for sure
is that buckley is easier.

2006-12-12 | 4:01 a.m.
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