sudden as darkness

sudden (like dark) and i�m walking once again. i find myself staring at lit candles in windows as i pass the other doors in the bleach-blond complex and it�s so easy, painful easy to wonder what they were thinking when they lit the candle.

it must be midnight now and people lit the candles within the last few hours. i imagine great migraines that leave them stricken to the floor and ceiling lights or lamps are just too bright. i fondle, within myself, strange and maybe hideous ideas of crimes being covered up, or lovers in transit. i fantasize that everyone wants the night to be so smooth and beautiful. the first of many nights in a new lovers arms. just the right scent in each and every room, just the right mood. �will he kiss me tonight?� she thinks.

every walk these days is an adventure, every step is a new life in such careful blossom, we�re all coming alive or dying.

i always think of them when i sleep: laying down my head. it is the end of the day: darkness. soon, i�ll be tired enough to fall into a series of nods that leave me breathing steady as tides and dreaming of anything at all.

2004-04-21 | 7:35 p.m.
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