desperation and the murder city devils

"i like the sound of you strut strutting in those tight pants in those tight pants i like the sound of you strut strutting on that big stage. i like the sound of you on that metallic 2k0. i like the sound of you rolling in that broken glass. iggy baby i like the sound of you."

-spencer (murder city devils), broken glass

there's a certain desperation spencer gets when he sings. like tim kinsella. he just loses it. i have a great respect for anyone who can lose themselves that much just to find themsleves at the end of it all. at the end of everything that ever mattered to them.

desperation is one of the most beautiful things on earth. every great work of art i have found has been created out of rabid desperation. rilke said "a work of art is good if it arises out of necessity. that is the only way one can judge it." i throw my approval stamp on that.

love the one you're with.

2002-09-08 | 8:35 p.m.
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